Jaesub Lee
Professor, Director of Undergraduate Studies
Communication Bldg
Dr. Jaesub Lee is a full professor and director of undergraduate studies at the Valenti School of Communication. He teaches courses for both the graduate and undergraduate levels and is a leading scholar in human relationship development and maintenance in organizations.
Dr. Lee's teaching interests include group and organizational communication theory and practice, intercultural/cross-cultural communication, leadership communication, communication theory and research methods courses. His research interests include relationship development and maintenance, leadership, justice, cooperation, bullying, voice and silence, organizational communication, crisis and risk communication, corporate social responsibility, health literacy and patient-care provider relationships. His research has appeared in Management Communication Quarterly, Human Communication Research, Journal of Public Relations Research, Journal of Business Communication, and other publications.
Dr. Lee received received his bachelor's at Chonnam National University in Korea, his master's at Auburn University, and his Ph. D. at the University of Texas at Austin.
- Ph. D. in Speech Communication, University of Texas at Austin
- MA in Speech Communication, Auburn University
- BA in English, Chonnam National University, Gwangju, Korea
- COMM 1302 - Introduction to Communication Theory
- COMM 2300 - Communication Research Methods
- COMM 3358 - Leadership Communication
- COMM 4355 - Organizational Communication
- COMM 4357 - Intercultural Communication
- COMM 6320 - Seminar: Organizational Communication
- COMM 6324 - Human Relationships and Communication in Orgs
- COMM 6325 - Seminar: Intercultural Communication
- COMM 6326 - Seminar: Leadership Communication
Selected Publications
- Lee, J. , Lim, J. J. C., & Heath. (2019, Online First). Negotiating faces in coping with workplace bullying: A cross-cultural investigation. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research . doi: 10.1080/17475759.2019.1572640
- Lee, J. , & Lim, J. J. C. (2019). Workplace bullying and job attitudes: The moderating role of coping strategies. International Journal of Business and Information, 14, 1-24 . doi: 10.6702/ijbi.201903_14(1).0001
- Lee, J. (2019). Making sense of changing relationships with the boss and peers. In R. Risel & M. Kramer (Eds.), Cases in organizational communication (Ch. 15, pp. 89-93). Oxford University Press: New York.
- Heath, R. L., Lee, J. , & Lemon, L. L. (2019). Narratives of risk communication: Nudging community residents to shelter-in-place. Public Relations Review, 45 , 128-137. doi: 10.1016/j.pubrev.2018.12.004
- Lee, J. (2018). Communication studies. In R. L. Heath & W. Johansen (Eds.), The International Encyclopedia of Strategic Communication (pp. 257-272). Wiley. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
- Heath, R. L., Lee, J. , Palenchar, M. J., & Lemon, L. L. (2018). Risk communication emergency response preparedness: Contextual assessment of the protective action decision model. Risk Analysis , 38, 333-344. doi:10.1111/risa.12845
- Lee, J., Lim, J., & Heath, R. L. ( 2017, Online First ). Coping with workplace bullying through NAVER: Effects of LMX relational concerns and cultural differences. International Journal of Business Communication. doi: 10.1177/2329488417735649
- Ning, Y., Xiao, Z., & Lee, J. (2017). Shareholders and managers: Who care more about corporate diversity and employee benefits? Journal of Management and Governance, 21 , 93-118. doi: 10.1007/s10997-015-9335-z
- Lee, J. , & Varon, A. L. (2016, Online first). Employee exit, voice, loyalty, and neglect in response to dissatisfying organizational situations: It depends on supervisory relationship quality. International Journal of Business Communication , 1-22, doi: 10.1177/2329488416675839
- Kim, D. K., Kim, Y-C., Lee, J. , Lee, J-S, Paek H-J, & So, J. (2016). Health communication in South Korea: Past, present, and future. Health Communication Research , 14, 1-27.
- Heath, R. L., & Lee, J. (2016). Chemical manufacturing and refining industry legitimacy: Reflective management, trust, precrisis communication to achieve community efficacy. Risk Analysis , 36, 1108-1124. doi: 10.1111/risa.12504
- Lee, J. (2014). LMX Honor Role. 40th Anniversary of LMX Program.
- Lee, J. (2006). A recipient of Distinguished Alumnus Award. Chonnam National University, Gwangju, Korea.