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Cyrus A. Contractor

Cyrus Contractor 

Instructional Associate Professor and
Director of Undergraduate Studies 
PGH 373

Research Interests

Comparative Politics
Middle East Politics
Shi'a Politics
Political Islam

Complete CV

Biographical Summary

Cyrus Ali Contractor is an Instructional Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science where he teaches POLS 1336 – US and Texas Constitutional Politics and POLS 1337 – US Federal Government Institutions. His research interests include the politics of the Middle East, particularly the Islamic Republic of Iran, as well as the congruence of state and society. His current research project stems from his dissertation, which focuses on the political dispositions of Shi‘a Muslims in the United States, particularly the effect of religious narrative on political and social life. Additionally, this focus includes the importance of diaspora and transnational influences between Shi‘as in the West and Middle East.


Ph.D., Political Science,University of Oklahoma 
M.A., Political Science, University of Texas at Arlington
B.A., Political Science, University of Texas at Arlington

Selected Publications

Contractor, Cyrus A.  “The Dearborn Effect: A Comparison of the Political Dispositions of Shi‘a and Sunni Muslims in the United States,” Politics & Religion 4, no. 1 (April 2011).

Contractor, Cyrus A.  “The Changing Face of the Arab League.” The Search for Israel-Arab Peace: Learning from the Past and Building Trust. Eds. Edwin G. Corr, Joseph Ginat, and Shaul Gabbay. Sussex, UK: Sussex Academic Press, 2007.