Student Housing & Residential Life (SHRL) raised $7,800 during the 2021 Cougar Move-in Week through donations made in exchange for a move-in t-shirt. Aimed at raising money for the Cougar Experience Scholarship, SHRL staff sold a total of 370 shirts throughout the summer and during the residence hall check-in process.
The “Gone to Houston” t-shirt donation campaign was created by the SHRL Development Committee in partnership with University Advancement. Alumni, incoming residents, returning residents, families, and members of the campus community were invited to donate $20 in support of the Cougar Experience Scholarship.
The Cougar Experience Scholarship is designed to promote on-campus involvement by providing students, who otherwise could not afford it, the opportunity to live on campus. The scholarship also requires the student’s involvement in at least two campus organizations or jobs. UH data shows students who live in residence halls are more successful in persistence and retention, have higher GPAs, take more credit hours, and are more likely to finish a degree in four years than their commuting peers.
The funds raised will provide on-campus housing for two incoming first-year students for a full academic year.
Don Yackley, Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs, stated that the department plans to implement this campaign during next year’s Cougar Move-in Week as well.
“I believe this campaign was incredibly successful and I look forward to seeing how much more we can raise for student scholarships in years to come.”
A full recap of Cougar Move-in Week can be found on our YouTube channel.
For more information on the Cougar Experience Scholarship, including how to donate, visit our giving website or contact Andrea Ward, Development Officer, at 713-743-7873, or amward2@central.uh.edu.