Finals are just around the corner, and many University of Houston students will be utilizing tutoring and other academic support services. Some, however, may be reluctant to take advantage of these resources for a number of reasons.
They may be unwilling to seek face-to-face academic assistance or perhaps have conflicts that prevent them from meeting with tutors on campus. One of UH’s newest resources for students is proving to be a solid alternative for those hesitant or unable to seek in-person academic support.
UH now partners with Knack tutoring, which allows students to conveniently access tutors online or using a phone app. Students can log in, enter their course, then identify a UH peer tutor and a time to connect virtually.
“It (Knack) is reaching a different population of our students,” said Melissa Pierson, assistant vice provost and associate dean for Undergraduate Student Success at UH. “About 82% of UH Knack users were not using the University’s walk-in tutoring services at the main tutoring center LAUNCH. As outstanding as all our tutoring resources are, Knack is appealing to students who may have felt nervous about meeting face-to-face with a tutor or have challenges coming to campus.”
Using Knack, students can view tutors’ profiles and star ratings to ensure they are matched appropriately. Participating tutors have completed rigorous Knack training modules and earn competency badges for completing 15, 30 and 60 hours of service.
Beyond its convenience as an online service, Knack’s focus is on peer tutoring. This also has proven popular and effective for UH students.
Research has demonstrated the power of peer tutoring for students. Working alongside other student tutors enhances learners’ engagement, communication, critical thinking skills and independence. Likewise, tutors benefit by gaining leadership skills, confidence and professional experience by helping their fellow students.
“This is a perfect opportunity for UH students to help their fellow Coogs,” Pierson said. “Knack has expanded what we’re doing at the University, and we’re hoping to reach even more students seeking academic assistance.”
Knack is a national tutoring platform used at more than 50 four-year universities across the nation. UH began partnering with Knack tutoring during the 2023 – 24 academic year to complement its existing on-campus LAUNCH tutoring services, which also uses peer tutors.
Regardless of whether students select virtual Knack services or in-person LAUNCH tutoring or tutoring offered by other offices on campus, both can have a positive impact their academic success at UH. During the spring and summer 2023 sessions, students who frequently participated in either tutoring format experienced the following outcomes:
- Pass rates increased by 12.6%
- Drop/Withdrawal/Incomplete/Fail rate decreased by 11.5%
- Pass rates for students with GPAs under 2.0 increased by 28% from the previous semester
While tutoring can make the difference for students at risk of failing, it can help anyone improve their academic performance and elevate their GPA, Pierson said.
“Tutoring is not solely for students who are failing,” she said. “That is a misconception. Students making C’s or even B’s can improve and ultimately, maintain their grades. This can be useful when seeking scholarships or other rewards tied to GPA.”
Pierson also recommends patience for those engaging with UH’s tutoring services. It is not a one-time experience, she cautions.
“Like anything, tutoring is a process,” she said. “You can’t work with a tutor once and expect a grade to instantly turn around. But when students are committed and consistent with their tutoring, they are capable of doing some amazing things in courses they may have found challenging.”