Computer Science in Practice
Developing Apps Using Xamarin Forms
When: Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Where: PGH 563
Time: 11:30 AM
Speaker: Mr. Muhammad Naviwala & Mr. Anthony Sicignano
Host: Dr. Nouhad Rizk
Have you ever wondered how developers quickly produce enterprise mobile applications for multiple platforms? In the past, you would have needed to write multiple redundant code bases in different programming languages. Cross-platform app development addresses these issues by allowing the developer to create a single code base. Xamarin Forms is one such framework that allows developers to write one set of code in a single programming language (C#) that gets translated into native code for iOS, Android, and Windows Phone. In this Lunch-and-Learn, we will introduce Xamarin Forms and demo an application built by Muhammad Naviwala and Anthony Sicignano to illustrate the basics of the framework.
Muhammad Naviwala and Anthony Sicignano are University of Houston alumni who majored in Computer Science and MIS respectively. Muhammad and Anthony have a combined 5 years of experience in exciting technologies such as Xamarin Forms, ASP.NET MVC, Hadoop, Azure Mobile Services, Notification Hub, Amazon Elastic Beanstalk, API Gateway, Angular.JS, SQL Server, SSIS, and Sitecore.