Erickson Wins Outstanding Poster Award at Undergraduate Research Day
Seventeen Posters Received the Outstanding Award
Stephanie Erickson, a senior geology major, received an outstanding poster award at the University of Houston’s Undergraduate Research Day 2014.
Her poster presentation covered “FTIR Analysis of Ethiopian Xenoliths: Water Abundance Evidence for an Unaltered, Ancient Mantle Source.” Undergraduate Research Day involved 150 students from all colleges at UH. Seventeen posters received the outstanding award.
Her authors on the poster included faculty supervisors in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (EAS) Drs. Wendy Nelson and Jon Snow and Dr. Anne Peslier of Jacobs Technology, Inc., and NASA Johnson Space Center. The cutting-edge analytical techniques used in the study were developed by Peslier as of part of a long-term collaboration between NASA Johnson Space Center and EAS.
Erickson also presented this work at the fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union in December with the same set of authors. The meeting is the largest annual geoscience conference in the world with 23,000 participants.
Read more about UH Undergraduate Research Day (including a list of all the poster winners and a YouTube video)