Giving to Physics
Physics Excellence Fund

The Physics Excellence Fund will allow the Department to have direct and immediate impact on UH undergraduate and graduate students. These funds can be used for undergraduate scholarships to attract highly ranked students and to support student travel to competitions and conferences as well as to purchase classroom and research equipment, conduct special lectures, and support for special programs.
Your gift to this fund will allow the Department Chair to implement actions that will enhance the profile and the quality of the Department. Please select Physics Excellence Fund from the menu on our online giving page under “NSM Physics.”
Undergraduate Operating Scholarships
We want to grow our department, and scholarship support for undergraduate students is often the deciding factor for an incoming freshman or transfer student in selecting the University of Houston over another institution. With this support, students can reach their goal of a high-quality education while focusing their energies on their studies.
Operating scholarships provide support for a single year and provide one-time, immediate financial assistance for current and prospective students. You may renew your support for a scholarship each year. Select Physics Undergraduate Scholarships from the menu on our online giving page under “NSM Physics.”
If you are interested in creating a permanent source of funding for a scholarship through an endowment, contact Margarita Pérez Frinsco at or 713-743-2234, or Olivia Thompson at or 713-743-8026.
Graduate Fellowships

Graduate fellowships provide funds to doctoral students in the Physics Department. These students are solving real world problems in the energy, superconductivity, and the environmental arena under the tutelage of our faculty. Gifts for graduate fellowships help us to recruit and retain top graduate students—one of our Tier One Initiatives!
You may give annually to support graduate fellowships, or you may establish an endowed fellowship that provides for funds in perpetuity. Our online giving page provides a mechanism for giving an operating gift by selecting Physics Graduate Fellowships from the menu under “NSM Physics.”
If you are interested in establishing an endowed fellowship, contact Margarita Pérez Frinsco at or 713-743-2234, or Olivia Thompson at or 713-743-8026.
Research and Faculty Support

Research is the foundation of any institution of higher education, and the Department of Physics has outstanding faculty who have national and international acclaim. Paul Chu, a physics professor and a scientist at the Texas Center for Superconductivity at UH (TcSUH) became a charter fellow of the National Academy of Inventors (NAI). Dr. Seamus Curran, director of UH’s Institute for NanoEnergy, has developed a nanopartical coating for solar panels that makes it easier to keep the panels clean, which helps maintain their efficiency and reduces the maintenance and operations cost.
But it often takes additional funding to attain these types of accomplishments. Research support allows faculty to pay for special items that are not funded through private and public grants or state funding--such as travel to professional conferences to report research findings, specialized research equipment or supplies, and research personnel. A gift to this area will help us make more discoveries and achieve more international recognition.
To give to this fund, select Physics Research and Faculty Support from the menu on our online giving page under “NSM Physics.”
Physics Excellence Fund

The Physics Excellence Fund will allow the Department to have direct and immediate impact on UH undergraduate and graduate students. These funds can be used for undergraduate scholarships to attract highly ranked students and to support student travel to competitions and conferences as well as to purchase classroom and research equipment, conduct special lectures, and support for special programs.
Your gift to this fund will allow the Department Chair to implement actions that will enhance the profile and the quality of the Department. Please select Physics Excellence Fund from the menu on our online giving page under “NSM Physics.”
Undergraduate Operating Scholarships
We want to grow our department, and scholarship support for undergraduate students is often the deciding factor for an incoming freshman or transfer student in selecting the University of Houston over another institution. With this support, students can reach their goal of a high-quality education while focusing their energies on their studies.
Operating scholarships provide support for a single year and provide one-time, immediate financial assistance for current and prospective students. You may renew your support for a scholarship each year. Select Physics Undergraduate Scholarships from the menu on our online giving page under “NSM Physics.”
If you are interested in creating a permanent source of funding for a scholarship through an endowment, contact Margarita Pérez Frinsco at or 713-743-2234, or Olivia Thompson at or 713-743-8026.
Graduate Fellowships

Graduate fellowships provide funds to doctoral students in the Physics Department. These students are solving real world problems in the energy, superconductivity, and the environmental arena under the tutelage of our faculty. Gifts for graduate fellowships help us to recruit and retain top graduate students—one of our Tier One Initiatives!
You may give annually to support graduate fellowships, or you may establish an endowed fellowship that provides for funds in perpetuity. Our online giving page provides a mechanism for giving an operating gift by selecting Physics Graduate Fellowships from the menu under “NSM Physics.”
If you are interested in establishing an endowed fellowship, contact Margarita Pérez Frinsco at or 713-743-2234, or Olivia Thompson at or 713-743-8026.
Research and Faculty Support

Research is the foundation of any institution of higher education, and the Department of Physics has outstanding faculty who have national and international acclaim. Paul Chu, a physics professor and a scientist at the Texas Center for Superconductivity at UH (TcSUH) became a charter fellow of the National Academy of Inventors (NAI). Dr. Seamus Curran, director of UH’s Institute for NanoEnergy, has developed a nanopartical coating for solar panels that makes it easier to keep the panels clean, which helps maintain their efficiency and reduces the maintenance and operations cost.
But it often takes additional funding to attain these types of accomplishments. Research support allows faculty to pay for special items that are not funded through private and public grants or state funding--such as travel to professional conferences to report research findings, specialized research equipment or supplies, and research personnel. A gift to this area will help us make more discoveries and achieve more international recognition.
To give to this fund, select Physics Research and Faculty Support from the menu on our online giving page under “NSM Physics.”