Graduation & Commencement Information - University of Houston
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Completing your undergraduate degree is a momentous time for you and your family, and we celebrate your accomplishments with you!

The Spring 2025 B. S. in Integrated Studies Commencement will be held Saturday, May 10, 2025, at 9:00am in Cullen Performance Hall.

Please follow these steps to ensure you meet the requirements and deadlines to apply for graduation (the formal approval that you have completed your degree requirements) and participate in commencement (the ceremonial celebration of your graduation).

The semester before you plan to apply for graduation

  • Confirm that your Integrated Studies major, Concentration Areas, and any minors you are pursuing are listed accurately in your myUH Student Center. Contact your advisor immediately for assistance if you see any inaccuracies. Note that you may not add majors or minors after the Official Reporting Day of your final semester unless you are enrolled in all of the courses to complete that major or minor.
  • Meet with your advisor for a graduation check appointment to confirm the classes you plan to take BEFORE the last day to add a class for your final semester. Your advisor will confirm that you are registered correctly or recommend adjustments to your schedule. If you make any schedule changes after this graduation check appointment, be sure to confirm with your advisor whether the changes still fit with your approval for graduation.
  • Review your personal contact information in your myUH Student Center to make sure your mailing address, phone number, and email address are updated and will be current for at least three months following your graduation.

How to apply for graduation

  • Apply for graduation in your myUH Student Center before the deadline to apply for graduation posted in the University of Houston Academic Calendar.
  • Applications submitted after the published deadlines may not be accepted. If you have missed the late deadline, please contact your academic advisor immediately to discuss your options. Graduation applications cannot be retracted – once you submit a graduation application, you must graduate if you meet requirements.
  • To apply for graduation:
    • Login to your myUH Student Center
    • Select the myUH Self Service icon
    • Select the "Advising" tile
    • Select "Apply for Graduation"
    • Confirm that the graduation semester and your personal information is correct. Notify your academic advisor immediately if you see any errors. 

What happens after you apply for graduation

  • Once you submit your application, your graduation status will be listed as “Ready for Review” until you are formally approved or disapproved, which will take 4-6 weeks after the official close of the academic term.
  • After the late deadline to apply for graduation has passed, you will receive email confirmation that your application for graduation was successfully submitted.
  • Contact your advisor immediately if you anticipate any problems with your final semester grades, such as receiving an F or Incomplete grade.
  • Once your final grades are posted, academic advisors will initiate the process of final certification for graduation to ensure you have completed all course, hour, and GPA requirements. This process is typically completed within four to six weeks after the official close of the academic term.
    • If your graduation is approved, the Office of the University Registrar will send out your diploma through the mail, typically within 2-3 months after the close of the graduating semester. If you do not receive your diploma within three months of completing your degree, call the Office of University Registrar at 713-743-1010. (Diplomas will not be mailed to students who have an overdue financial balance on their UH account. All balances must be paid in full before the diploma will be mailed.)
    • If your graduation is disapproved, a notice of this decision will be sent to you at the email address listed on your record. Contact your advisor immediately to make a plan to complete any remaining requirements and apply for graduation again the next semester.
  • Your degree will be posted on your official transcript.
  • If you are applying to graduate programs or if you have a job offer for which your degree posting is required, you can use this transcript graduation designation as proof of your completed degree before your diploma arrives. You may request to the Office of the Registrar that your degree processing be expedited. To do so, you must supply documentation of urgent need to your major department advisor. You may also request to your advisor, a memo stating that all requirements have been completed and we expect your graduation to be approved. No reviews can be posted before the close of the term.
  • Your diploma will be mailed directly to you at the most current address provided in your myUH student account. The diploma printing company also will send email notifications indicating when the diploma has been mailed.

Planning for Commencement

The Spring 2025 B. S. in Integrated Studies Commencement will be held Saturday, May 10, 2025, at 9:00am in Cullen Performance Hall.

  • RSVP. There is no longer a need to complete our separate RSVP form. You already indicated on the graduation application form whether you planned to attend. If you originally indicated on the graduation application that you would NOT attend commencement, but you’ve changed your mind and now you DO plan to attend, that’s great news! All graduates are always welcome to attend commencement. Please email so we can adjust our records, and sending no later than April 11th ensures inclusion of your name in the program and allotment of tickets for your guests. 
  • Program. We make every effort to ensure that all graduating students who applied on time are listed in the Commencement program.
    • You must apply to graduate on your myUH Student Center by the regular UH graduation deadline in order for your name to be included the program for the ceremony.
    • If you apply for graduation during the LATE application period, your name MAY NOT be listed in the Commencement program.
    • If at any time you have requested privacy protection for your academic records, your name cannot be published in the program by law unless you have indicated on your application for graduation that you desire your name be included in the program. Although your name might not be included in the printed program, you will still be individually recognized by name as you cross the stage.Eligible semester. Spring graduates are eligible to participate in the May ceremony and will be listed in the May program; Summer and Fall graduates are eligible to participate in the December ceremony and will be listed in the December program. Summer graduates may petition to participate in the May ceremony if they are already enrolled in all required courses for the summer sessions.
  • Inviting Guests. Visit the UH Commencement site for details on guest attendance.
    • Tickets will be required for all University Commencement ceremonies. You will be emailed a link to download six (6) electronic tickets closer to the date of your ceremony. You will not require a ticket for yourself. Children two (2) years of age and younger will not require tickets.
    • All commencement tickets are complimentary. The university does not condone the selling of commencement tickets. Please be wary of individuals attempting to sell tickets.
  • Regalia. All graduates participating in the University or College commencement ceremonies must wear academic regalia - the traditional black mortarboard cap and black gown. You will not be allowed to participate in Commencement if you are not attired in appropriate regalia
    • Order your cap and gown through the UH Bookstore.
    • Plan to attend the Graduation Fair for assistance with ordering a cap and gown, announcements and invitations, UH rings, and diploma frames. If you have questions regarding these items, call the bookstore at 713-741-7095 or visit the UH Bookstore website.
    • You are responsible for picking up and dropping off your rented cap and gown.
    • Get Your Cougar Spirit Cord.
    • Attend the Ring Ceremony hosted by the UH Alumni Association.
  • Accommodations or Assistance. Students requiring accommodations, assistance, or any additional services in order to participate in the commencement ceremony should notify the University Commencement Coordinator at least two weeks prior to the scheduled ceremonies.
  • Alumni. Join the Houston Alumni Association now to get a jump start on your alumni career!

What to expect on the day of Commencement - GRADUATES

  • Check-in and Processional line-up of graduates starts at 8:00 am for the scheduled 9:00am ceremony.
  • The closer it is to the starting time of the ceremony, parking becomes more challenging. Don't stress yourself out! Please plan for enough time to travel and arrive safely.
  • Cullen Performance Hall has a clear bag policy and all graduates, platform party, and staff will only be allowed to bring clear bags. Bring only small clear bags that can be worn under regalia. There is no storage space (secure or otherwise) for you to leave your personal belongings.
  • Where to Check-in. Enter the Cullen Building through the doors adjacent to the Cullen Family Fountain and cougar statues to check in. All graduates, platform party, and staff will go through metal detectors. Family and guests should not arrive to the graduate check-in area. (See What to expect on the day of Commencement – Guests, below, for guest location.)
  • Name Cards.  Upon entering the check-in area, report to the check-in table to pick up your graduation name card. Do not lose this card — you will need to present it during the ceremony before processing across the stage.
  • Recognition of graduates. Each graduate will be announced individually, in alphabetical order, as you walk across the stage.
  • As you approach the edge of the stage. Staff will direct you to the stage, and you will follow the rows ahead of you.
    • Give your name card to the person collecting the cards.
    • Process across the stage to shake hands with the administration members on stage.
    • Continue to behind stage where you will have your picture taken by a professional photographer.
    • Go back to be seated. Please note, that this may not be the same seat you had before crossing the stage. Do not bring/leave any valuables at your seat.
    • Remain seated until all students have been recognized. (You will not be allowed to leave the ceremony early in order to be respectful of all participants in the ceremony.)
    • Follow the person in front of you when the recessional begins.
    • Enjoy family members, friends, cheering, clapping, and flashing cameras. Have a great time!

What to expect on the day of Commencement - GUESTS

  • Location. The B. S. in Integrated Studies commencement ceremony will be held at Cullen Performance Hall
  • Doors open. Doors open at  8:00am for the scheduled 9:00am ceremony.
  • Cullen Performance Hall has a clear bag policy. All guests will only be allowed to bring clear bags of the acceptable size into the venue.
  • Guest entrance. Guests will enter at the main Cullen Performance Hall entrance (under the large red UH banner). All guests will go through metal detectors. Doors will open approximately an hour before the ceremony. Doors may close if maximum capacity is reached. This decision would be made, if needed, by the UH fire marshal.
  • Parking. Complimentary parking is available for all graduates and guests. The Welcome Center Parking Garage is the closest to the Cullen Performance Hall and is located next to the Hilton Hotel and College. See parking locations on the Parking Map. There is no fee for commencement parking and there will be an attendant assisting at the garage entrance. Please be prepared for traffic congestion on the day of commencement.
  • Tickets. Please be sure the graduate has transferred the electronic tickets to the guests. (See the Commencement page for instructions on how to transfer tickets to guests.) Guest should have their tickets available for entry.
  • Guests with Mobility Impairments. Special seating is available but limited. Guests with mobility impairment are encouraged to arrive an hour early, when the hall's doors open, so they may be comfortably seated. In order to accommodate as many mobility-impaired guests as possible, there will be a strict limit of one guest to accompany the mobility-impaired guest in the reserved seating area.
  • Photography. Family and friends may bring cameras and video recorders and take as many pictures as they desire. However, they must remain in their seats during the ceremony. Guests will not be allowed to stand in the aisles or approach the floor of the hall.
    • We suggest that family photographers take photos at home and at other locations on campus prior to or after the ceremony.
    • A professional photographer will be on hand to take individual photos during the ceremony. Proofs will be sent via email to the graduate at the email address on file so that prints can be ordered.
    • If you do not receive the proofs within 30 days of your Commencement program please contact Flash Photography at 800-410-8070.
  • Audience Courtesy. We are proud of the accomplishments of every graduate and want the ceremony to be a pleasant experience for everyone.
    • We ask the audience to respect participants and guests by remaining in their seats until all of the graduates have been recognized and the ceremony has concluded.
    • Please try to keep young children from running up and down the aisles once the ceremony starts, and exit with crying babies to the lobby area.
    • Cell phones should be turned off or put on silent during the ceremony.
  • Safety. Although the University of Houston does not anticipate any security problems during the ceremony, we will be taking special measures to ensure the safety of everyone who attends.
    • The following items are prohibited on campus:
      • Alcohol
      • Illegal drugs/paraphernalia
      • Weapons of any kind, including firearms and knives
      • Animals except for registered guide dogs
    • The following items will not be allowed at the venue:
      • Strollers
      • Balloons
      • Air horns

Additional graduation information

  • Graduating with Honors.
    • Honors College. Undergraduate students who have completed the graduation requirements of the Honors College, including a senior honors thesis or senior honors project, are graduated with "University Honors with Honors in Major." Undergraduate students who have completed all requirements of the Honors College except for the thesis or project are graduated with “University Honors.” (See University Honors College.)
    • Honors in Major. Undergraduate students who successfully complete a senior honors thesis or senior honors project and who are not members of the Honors College are graduated with “Honors in Major.”
    • Latin Honors. Undergraduate students who complete their degree requirements will graduate with the stated academic honors if they achieve the following grade point averages earned in the last fifty-four (54) hours (all of which must be A, B, C,... letter grade courses) completed at the University of Houston. The honors calculation will include all hours completed in the semester in which the first of those final fifty-four (54) hours were completed. Grades of S, U, I and W are not assigned grade point values and are not used in the computation of the grade point average. Once the current semester has officially closed and all grades have been posted, your honors status will be updated accordingly and will be recorded on your diploma.
      • 90 to 4.0 Summa Cum Laude (with highest honors)
      • 70 to 3.89 Magna Cum Laude (with high honors)
      • 50 to 3.69 Cum Laude (with honors)
    • Honor Cords. Students who qualify for graduation with honors are responsible for purchasing gold Honor Cords from the UH Campus Bookstore to wear at Commencement.
  • Tuition Rebate. The University of Houston offers a tuition rebate of $1,000 to undergraduate students who graduate having met the requirements for eligibility. Eligible students are Texas residents, who attempt no more than three semester hours in excess of the minimum number required for their degree, and graduate within four calendar years for four-year degrees, and within five calendar years for five-year degrees such as the Bachelor of Architecture. View the checklist and Rebate Request form or learn more about eligibility.