Navigate @ the University of Houston
EAB Navigate Resources for Faculty and Staff
This page serves as the main source of assistance for EAB Navigate for UH Faculty and Staff. Additional help is available within the Navigate platform by clicking on the question mark icon in the upper right screen.
For new user access, START HERE >>> Instructions for submitting Campus Solutions forms to ensure Navigate permissions for faculty and staff
Navigate Network: Weekly Virtual Office Hours
Drop in for virtual Navigate Network office hours on Teams every Friday afternoon from 3-4 pm. Bring your general questions, your specific questions (such as about Academic Planner or Appointment Campaign strategies), or your cool tips to share so we can learn together.
To schedule custom trainings for programs, departments, or colleges, please contact Melissa Pierson at mpierson@uh.edu.
Self-Serve Assistance
The resource guides below were developed by UH for our internal community. For the most current help, log in to Navigate and click on the Help question mark icon in the upper right, and "Help Center & Support Links."
- EAB Navigate Advising Platform
- Advanced Search User Guide
- Appointment Management
- Appointment Summary Reports & Notes - Practice Exercises
- Assigning student advisors
- Calendar Sync with Graph API for Outlook 365 [new 1/5/21]
- Front Desk Check-in
- Graduate Student Data Implications in Student Profile
- Making "hidden" appointments
- Recording Notes
- Setting Appointment Availability
- Student Profiles & Advanced Searching - Practice Exercises
- Text Messaging Functions
- Viewing Progress Reports, Alerts, and Cases
- UH V3 Reporting Starter Pack
- VIDEO: Navigate Advisor Home Webinar (1 hr, 4 min)
- EAB Academic Planner
- EAB Navigate Professor Home
- EAB Navigate Analytics Tools Guides
Frequently Asked Questions
Accessing the Navigate site
- Q: What is the best way to access Navigate?
- A: Log in to AccessUH in the normal way and select the blue icon white pillars labeled "Navigate Staff." There is a similar icon labeled "Navigate Student" that gives students access to the Navigate online app, which is a different tool.
Home Screen
- Q: Why don't I see assigned students on my Home screen?
- A: In order to see your assigned caseload, you (or your program) must first assign advisees in Navigate. See this guide for details: Advising: Assigning student advisors
- Q: Can the declaration term for current major be displayed regardless of whether they have changed major?
- A: Yes, you can see the declaration term for the current major by clicking the arrow under the major to display the Major History. The first major listed is the current major, and the enrolled semester is listed below.
- Q: How do we tell a student is on a Student list?
- A: When you click on “Add to Student List” on the right side of a student’s Overview page, you will see checked boxes indicating which other watch lists that student has already been added to.
- Q: A student dropped a class yesterday around 10am. Why is the course still showing on her schedule in Navigate today?
- A: Data is sent nightly from PeopleSoft to Navigate, so changes will appear the following day.
Advanced Searching
- Q: Can we search for students by course characteristics, such as those taking only online courses or those who are enrolled in courses at a specific location? (e.g. Sugar Land, or classes that meet in a specific building)
- A: This kind of search isn’t possible at this time. A suggestion is to search for students taking particular courses that are known to be in those locations.
- Q: Is there a way to search for any student who has a W in any course?
- A: There isn’t a way to look for a certain grade over all courses taken. Two options to try:
- You can search for students who got a W in a particular course, however, so the suggestion is to run the search by course for key classes and then compare files together.
- You can run the Student Enrollment report for the past several semesters and filter by grades.
- A: There isn’t a way to look for a certain grade over all courses taken. Two options to try:
- Q: How long will students be included in the Navigate platform?
- A: Students will remain in the platform forever, accessible by direct entry of an individual ID. Only active students will pull on a search by default. Inactive students can be included by selecting the "Include Inactives" link near the Search button.
- A: Students will remain in the platform forever, accessible by direct entry of an individual ID. Only active students will pull on a search by default. Inactive students can be included by selecting the "Include Inactives" link near the Search button.
- Q: When I run an Advanced Search for a minor (under Categories), why doesn’t the resulting number match what is in PeopleSoft?
- A: The majors fields pull directly out of PS and are part of the primary EAB analytics. Minors are not included in the analytics, so they are displayed as a Category for informational purposes to label a student’s current situation. The data pulls in differently for Categories, based on the most recent semester of enrollment. For most students, it will be accurate, however, in some situations, such as if a student is not enrolled the current semester, or if they changed their major mid-semester, it may show a slightly different count than PS.
- Q: When I search for my majors, why don't the counts match what I see in PeopleSoft?
- A: When you search for all majors in your college, the results will show all of the primary majors. When you search by major, the results show both primary and secondary majors.
- Q: When I click on "At Risk students only” at the bottom of an Advanced Search, what does that mean?
- A: For searches, this means those students who faculty have indicated through a Progress Report are at risk of failing their class, rather than those with a red/yellow/green "Predicted Risk" factor.
- Q: How can we search for students who have NOT yet taken a course?
- A: Export a list of all students in your program and another list of those students who HAVE taken the course and use a compare duplicates function in Excel to arrive at a list of those who HAVE NOT taken it.
- Q: Can campaign names be edited?
- A: Yes, campaign names can be edited by clicking on the campaign and Edit Campaign Details. Since all campaigns are viewable by all staff users, and they are additionally accessed through the analytics tools, it is recommended to adhere to a consistent naming schemes. Suggestion: COLLEGE_department_advisor name_campaign focus_date
- Q: I noticed that PS ID #’s starting with zero don’t have that leading zero returned in downloaded results.
- A: Excel automatically removes leading zeros since they aren’t required numerically, however they are required for student ID numbers. To retain the leading zero, you need to tell Excel to treat the column of ID numbers as text instead of a number.
- Click the Data tab, then Get Data, locate the file, and press Import. (On a Mac, press Get External Data, Import Text File, and Get Data)
- Press Edit in the preview pane and select the column with the ID numbers.
- Select the column to convert by clicking on the column header, and indicate that your data is delimited by comma, because that is how Navigate exports it. Then go to Home > Transform > Data Type > select Text. (On a Mac, select Text under Column Data Format).
- When you're done, Click Close & Load (or Finish, on a Mac), and Excel will return the query data to your worksheet.
- A second way to handle the missing leadings zeros is to add the following formula in a new column to the left, input it, and it will add a leading zero to any value that doesn’t have one: =IF(LEN(A2)<7,CONCATENATE(REPT("0",7-LEN(A2)),A2),A2)
- A: Excel automatically removes leading zeros since they aren’t required numerically, however they are required for student ID numbers. To retain the leading zero, you need to tell Excel to treat the column of ID numbers as text instead of a number.
- Q: I can modify a Saved Search, but why can't I filter a Student List once it is saved?
- A: Actually you can! On Advanced Search, select the Student list under the Student Information category, and then filter as you like.
- Q: Is there a way to search for students who have taken any course with the same prefix?
- A: Add all of the applicable courses to an Advanced Search and save it.
- Q: Is there a way to search for students who have not yet taken a particular course?
- A: Unfortunately, there isn’t a direct way to exclude courses like you can exclude other things from a search, such as Categories or Tags. Here is a work-around: First search for all current students in your group, and paste their IDs into Column A of a spreadsheet. Then search for students who have already taken the course any time during the last several semesters – go back as far as you think necessary. Paste those IDs into Column B. Then highlight those two columns and use a formula in Excel to compare the two columns for duplicates (Conditional Formatting > Highlight Cells Rules > Duplicate Values….may vary depending on your version of Excel). The result should highlight the duplicates in Column A, which means those highlighted DID take the course and those not highlighted HAVE NOT taken it.
- A: Unfortunately, there isn’t a direct way to exclude courses like you can exclude other things from a search, such as Categories or Tags. Here is a work-around: First search for all current students in your group, and paste their IDs into Column A of a spreadsheet. Then search for students who have already taken the course any time during the last several semesters – go back as far as you think necessary. Paste those IDs into Column B. Then highlight those two columns and use a formula in Excel to compare the two columns for duplicates (Conditional Formatting > Highlight Cells Rules > Duplicate Values….may vary depending on your version of Excel). The result should highlight the duplicates in Column A, which means those highlighted DID take the course and those not highlighted HAVE NOT taken it.
Notes and Communication
- Q: What is the difference between Notes and Appointment Summary Reports?
- A: An Appointment Summary Report should be your main recording tool when you meet with a student. These are detailed templates with fields of information to guide you as you record your appointment. Notes are used when you aren’t meeting with a student, but would like to record some information, such as when you are doing a file review or graduation check, or you want to upload an internal form.
- Q: Viewing the text in the four text boxes at the top of an Appointment Report is difficult when you go back to review the report after submitted because only two lines of text are viewable.
- A: Yes, the top four text boxes allow you to type as much as you like, however other staff will only be able to view the first two lines. The suggestion is to limit text to no more than 2 lines and include longer text in the larger text box at the bottom of the report as this larger box can be scrolled to view all text.
- Q: I texted a student but the student didn't receive it right away. Will it always be delayed?
- A: We have found that sending students a message by text may be delayed – it’s actually going through multiple systems in addition to a regular text.
- Q: How do we tell a student is on a Student list?
- A: When you click on “Add to Student List” on the right side of a student’s Overview page, you will see checked boxes indicating which other watch lists that student has already been added to.
- Q: What is the timing we should expect for sending out an appointment campaign? One that was 100 students took 3.5 hours to arrive.
- A: It depends on other emails being delivered and other jobs running - depending on that, EAB throttles messages to make sure they do not get filtered out by email security protocols. Remember our Yahoo problems?!
Q: I have added a note by mistake and I would like to delete it, but I can’t find a way to delete it. How can I do this?
A: There is not a way to delete a note. Suggestion: Edit your note to indicate that other users should disregard this note.
Advising Appointments
- Q: If I set my availability for 8:30-4:30, but I have a doctor’s appointment, how will I make sure students don’t make an appointment at that time?
- A: You will use your Outlook calendar to block time, and those time periods will show as busy when a student is making an appointment. Be sure to block driving time before and after as well, so no appointments will be made adjacent to the time you'll be out.
- Q: If I set my availability for the semester, or “forever,” what will prevent a student from making an appointment next year and forgetting about it?
- A: We have a restrictions set by location so that students only see appointments for a certaion period of time, such as for the next 30 days. in that case, each day, they will be able to see the next 30 days automatically. This means there are no manual actions you need to take to open up your appointments for the next week.
- Q: How do I make sure students don't make an appointment during my lunch?
- A: There are two ways to handle lunch - or any other recurring break in your availability. First, you could block your lunch in Outlook. Set a recurring calendar item for your lunch time, and that will show up as unavailable for students. Or second, you can set two availabilities. On the My Availabilitly tab, click Add Time, and set your morning availability, such as for 9-12:00. Save, and click on Add Time again to set your afternoon availability block. Be sure to add all services for your area to both times so students can see your name for that service.
- Q: Is the synching between Outlook instantaneous if an appointment is added to my calendar?
- A: Yes! (However...not always) The way it should work is any time the user makes an adjustment in Outlook or Navigate, it will automatically sync. If the user doesn't adjust anything, it will refresh every 30-35 minutes. For a user's first sync ever, that can take up to 10 minutes to fully load all calendar events. Also, if items don't seem to sync, you can click on the Exchange tab in Navigate, and after a few minutes it updates.
- Q: I had a student who was able to cancel their appointment within our restriction time period. Why didn’t it prevent them from cancelling?
- A: A student will always be able to cancel their own appointment, up to the minute that it occurs, but if they do, it will be marked as a No-Show. The limitation at the location level provides the window outside of which they will NOT be counted as a no-show.
- Q: I don’t normally make appointments with students. Do I need to set my availability?
- A: If you will not want students to make appointments with you through Navigate, then you don’t need to set your availability. You can add it at any time.
- Q: How do we make appointments for Group advising?
- A: Do an Advanced Search for your group of students, or use an existing Saved Search or Student List. Under Actions, you can select either "Schedule Appointment," when you want just a single appointment time, or "Appointment Campaign," if you want to be able to offer multiple times and track the outcomes of your efforts.
- Q: Is it possible to set up group appointments for certain sets of students so that students can see and sign up for these events on our appointment calendars?
- A: Yes. You can set an Individual availability for that one time slot and at the bottom of the availability window under, “Will you be meeting with multiple students?” select a number for, “Max Number of Students per Appointment.” Send out an appointment campaign to that particular group of students, such as non-majors who were taking an intro course, and advertise that particular start time. When a student goes in to make an appointment for that time slot it should say at the top that it is a group appointment.
- Q: Our office has drop-in appointments during peak times. How do we check in students for drop-ins?
- A: Students who come in during drop-in times will be checked in at the front desk using the Appointment System or Kiosk mode and added to the queue. Students will not see slots for drop-ins on their app since these aren’t appointments. They can see general start and stop times.
- Q: Are students able to schedule an appointment starting and ending at any time within our availability? EX: I set my availability for 9:30 to 12:00 on Mondays. Can a student schedule an appointment from 9:45am to 10:30am?
- A: Appointments default to begin on the hour or half-hour unless an office has a custom setting different than 30-minute sessions.
- Q: Why won't certain events sync on my calendar?
- A: There are couple of reasons why events may not sync on your Navigate calendar. First, a recurring event with no end-date will not sync in Navigate. Recurring events with more than 200 instances also will not sync.
- Q: If an advisor has posted appointment availability and appointment times do not fill up, and a student comes for "Drop-in" and selects "First Available" rather than the name of a specific staff person, they are put in the queue for all the advisors at that location. Why is that?
- A: All advisors with availability at that location will see the student in the queue even if they don’t have drop-in times open, but if advisors are not seeing drop-in appointments that day, they can simply not select a student for an appointment.
- Q: Is there is a way in Navigate to “reassign” a student appointment to another advisor? For example, an advisor already has appointments for next week but now will be out.
- A: Those with the Academic Leader role can go in to Appointment Center, find the appointment, hover over it on the grid, and see the option to Edit to add the new advisor and delete the other advisor.
- Q: How do I re-set a student’s No-show count when they have exceeded the limit and can no longer make an appointment?
- A: On the student’s appointments tab, under No-Show Appointments, click the reset link on the colored bar.
- Q: How do we add multiple services to an appointment campaign because we see multiple services out of one office?
- A: This is not something that EAB currently configures, as appointment campaigns are designed around services that are specific to an intervention. It is designed to allow the outreach to be set on a 1:1 relationship with the service provided, so that if there are different services (graduation check and 1st year advising for example) each would require very different email text bodies, and most likely have different populations.
- Q: I am holding a group advising session in a different room than our office location, but our group advising service is tied to our Location. How do I make sure that students know where it will be held?
- A: When you set your availability, enter the actual room location in the Special Instructions for Student so that when the student gets the confirmation, it is there in the Additional Details box. It’s also recommended to send out email/text reminders with the location clearly listed.
Tips and Tricks for Setting Advising Availability and Synching Outlook
There will be a gap in Academic terms between the end of one term and the start of the next term (e.g, the end of August after Summer term ends and before the first day of Fall term). That means that during the gap, if you have set your availability using the term option (e.g., “Fall term”), the new term availability will not be active until the start of the term, meaning students will not be able to make an appointment in the gap. They also will not be able to make an appointment in advance for the first few weeks of the new term until the term begins. The recommended best practice is to set your Availability using the “Forever” option, which is always changeable and not as permanent as it sounds, or by using specific date ranges that span the gap.
Many of our advising offices operate with drop-in appointments the first week or two, and some have asked how to set up availability for this. It will work best to make these separate availabilities – a date range for the drop-in period and a date range for the appointments. During drop-ins, students will not see individual appointments available, which is what we want, but there is a button they can click on to view drop-in times, which is also what we want. And then when they come in to the office, we can assign them to advisors during check-in if the advisors have drop-in appointment availability set up. If an advisor is available for either appointments or drop-in, he can click both buttons in availability set-up. If appointments are made, then that person would not show as available for a drop-in student.
- Here is a possible Availability scheme you might set:
- [drop-in date range]: MTWTHF 9-12
- [drop-in date range]: MTWTHF 1-4
- [rest of semester appointment date range]: MTWTHF 9-12
- [rest of semester appointment date range]: MTWTHF 1-4
- Don’t forget to use the “Copy Time” option as a short cut to getting these multiple times set up. And in the future, you can edit these times to change the date ranges rather than setting up as new – this preserves all of your selected services.
- Check your beginning and ending dates if you are using date ranges. In spot checking, I am seeing a number of ranges that begin and end on the same date.
- If you will be out for a full day, you need to block the actual hours, surprisingly, even if it is a holiday. So, if your holidays are set to show in Outlook, and, for example, your calendar shows at the top of the day that it is Christmas, that is really more of an all-day notification than time blocked. Creating an all-day event on your calendar during your available time will ensure no one accidentally sets an appointment when you are out. Or try the “out of office” block in Outlook.
- If you are off-campus or at a meeting, remember to block extra time before and after for travel.
- When a student makes an appointment, there is an open text box where they can list the reason they are coming in. However, that Reason field is optional. In your Comments section on your Availability screen, consider asking them to remember to list the reason so you can be ready to help them.
Navigate Go-To Team
Our Go-To Team offers local assistance in the colleges. Please remember that these brave individuals are still learning themselves, but they are willing to work with you as their schedules permit and pass along questions that they cannot answer.
Architecture | Jennifer Mutz |
Arts | Jason Barkemeyer |
Arts | Allison Watson |
Athletics | Tatjana Banjeglav |
Bauer | Brent Spraggins |
Bauer | Sarah Gnospelius |
Bauer | Asha Thomas |
Bauer | Barry Hutzell |
Bauer | Whitney Johnson |
CLASS | Yolanda Moss |
CLASS | Jyoti Cameron |
CLASS | Trever Thomas |
CLASS | Maricela Villanueva |
CLASS | Sakeena Andrade |
CLASS | Andrea Fernandez |
CLASS | Geneva Molina |
Education | Laura Lee |
Engineering | Lesley Sisk |
Engineering | Monica Padilla |
EXPL | Vanessa Guidry |
Honors | Megan Prather |
HRM | Dawn Deurell |
NSM | Ashley Askew |
NSM | Kayla Molnar |
Nursing | Carly Peden |
RGI | Chadi Lewis |
Technology | Anitra Wright |
Send other questions to navigate@uh.edu.