Digital Signage Policy
This policy applies to all content posted on any of the University-owned digital signage platforms. All protocols and procedures for using the University’s digital screen networks will be determined and supervised by the vice president for marketing and communication.
All UH Digital Screen Network Requests must be submitted through the Workflow Approval Process within the REACH client management software (CMS). University Information Technology (UIT) supervises all the administration of the software of the digital screen networks.
University Marketing will review all requests submitted through the Workflow Approval Process to ensure adherence to the communication and digital screen artwork guidelines. Acceptable submissions will be distributed to the individual digital screen owner for dissemination of the artwork at their discretion.
University Marketing and UIT will also develop additional guidelines deemed necessary by the vice president for marketing and communication, incorporating “best practices” within the industry to improve technological efficiency and effectiveness.
Only UH Departments, defined as a division of a University that focuses on a specific academic discipline or function of the University (such as the Bauer College of Business, Division of Student Affairs, or the Athletics Department), may submit requests to post information on digital signage. The complete name of the organization must be proximately displayed.
For more information regarding the Digital Screen Network Guidelines please visit UH Digital Signage or email For more information regarding the hardware requirements, please email
Digital Signage Requirements
- Must work in an approved predefined template
- Must be in a compatible media format
- Resolution must comply with the specification of the display
- If you use an official UH logo, you much comply with UH branding guidelines
- Must adhere to the Social Media Guidelines
- Must adhere to the UH Protocol on Issuing Institutional Statements
- Required Specifications
- JPG or PNG format
- Landscape Size: 3840x2160
- Portrait Size: 2160x3840
- Resolution: 72 dpi
- Must be optimized for displays
- Must have primary heading/title not to exceed 7-10 words
- Content Requirements:
- Content should be kept simple and focused leaving lengthy information to the call-to-action.
- No more than 30-40 words on the screen.
- Adhere to the communication style guidelines of the University
- Hierarchy of information:
- Headline
- Body/Content
- Call-to-action
- Required Information
- For Events: Please be sure to include the event name, location, date, time, and contact information
- The complete name of the sponsoring organization must be prominently displayed
- Include a safe space around the artwork. Use a gridline when designing the artwork to ensure you are leaving a safe space.
- All submissions must be proofread.
- Promotion of any business product, service or event on the digital screen network is prohibited unless the company has received prior approval from the Brand Management, Licensing & Trademark office.
- Only artwork supporting an official University of Houston message or event may be displayed on any digital screen network.
- Graphics can be displayed for a maximum of four weeks.
- All submitted artwork must be properly formatted (correct dimensions and DPI), or the request will be denied.
- A “live feed” of social department’s social media handles should not be allowed to be shown on the digital monitors. Similar to other requests for use of the University’s digital boards, these need to be properly submitted and vetted prior to posting.
Digital Signage Should NOT Include:
- Commercial advertisements
- Alcohol advertisements
- The background of the image cannot be in yellow, as yellow is reserved for emergency communications only
- Political campaigning of any kind
- Statements or images that inherently lose First Amendment protection (e.g., defamatory statements, true threats/fighting words, obscenity [as defined by law])
- Statements related to substantive societal and political events (these are reserved for the institution and president)
Approval Process:
Step 1: You must seek brand approval and submit artwork to
Step 2: Submit artwork and brand approval to the Workflow approval process within Reach 10 business days in advance for compliance approval.
Step 3: Each department maintains discretion to approve any requests submitted within 10 business days of the start of the requested run time.
At the discretion of the digital sign owner, reviews may be expedited for exceptional circumstances. Though expedited review is not guaranteed, the digital sign owner will work to accommodate the organization. Please be sure to explicitly state in your submission that you are requesting an expedited review and why.
- For example, an organization that submits content about an upcoming meeting that is to take place less than 10 days from the submission date may be granted expedited review and approved.
Run Times:
- Once approved, the signage may run for up to 28 days (4 weeks)
Digital Signage Best Practices
- The goal is to capture the attention of a person in 5-10 seconds. If you cannot read it in 10 seconds, there is too much text.
- Simple is better – avoid having too many elements as having too many distracts from the message.
- Follow the 3x5 rule – three lines with five words or five lines with three words.
- Use of the following primary layout colors: red (PMS 186C) and white (PMS: White)
- For legibility purposes, use 40 pt. font for headlines and use 24 pt. or large font size for all other copy.
- Have a clear, concise call-to-action so users know how to take the next step in response to the digital promotion.
- Loop length for high-traffic areas should display ads for 5-8 seconds while low-traffic areas should display ads for 15-20 seconds.
- Use a QR code instead of a URL when able to. If you need to use a URL, use a memorable URL.
- Example:
- CAN use:
- CANNOT use:
- Example: