Dean’s Message

NSM Fact Sheet
Welcome to the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at the University of Houston. This is an exciting time of renewal and development within the College.
All indicators of success are on the rise – undergraduate enrollment and achievement, graduate education and research, faculty success in garnering sponsored research, and national recognition of NSM excellence through awards to our students and faculty. Our highest priority is to prepare the next generation of scientists to solve global challenges while providing the training our students need to compete and excel in the workforce.
We are revitalizing and building upon the College’s strategic plan, which will ensure that the College remains on the path to:
- Grow annual research awards in excess of $45M dollars per annum by 2027.
- Develop a larger and stronger graduate program by increasing the Ph.D. program to 650 students while further increasing the quality of our undergraduate education program.
- Build strong research teams in health, bioscience, physical science, data science and energy while ensuring a strong academic core.
- Increase annual philanthropic giving to $7 million per year.
- Develop strong research core facilities by
- Attracting large equipment grants to acquire state-of-the-art research instrumentation
- Training students in instrument usage and interpretation
- Assisting faculty in exploring new directions and methodologies
- Bringing scientific groups together with common interests but diverse experience
The University of Houston has emerged as a leading health care and energy research institution. In NSM, we are building strong health care collaborations and partnerships with the Texas Medical Center as well as bridging our research expertise into the energy sector in Houston. These collaborations, naturally extending across the globe, are creating tremendous research opportunities and attention.
If you are an alumnus, a prospective donor or a member of the business community seeking to make a difference, we encourage you to contact the College’s Advancement Office to explore how you can help us reach our destination.
Dan E. Wells, Ph.D.