Genetics & Genomics Research Experiences for High School Teachers

The Houston Genetics BIORETS program provides high school science teachers in the greater Houston area with research experiences that improve genetics and genomics content knowledge; trains teachers in pedagogical practices that improve student success; and assists teachers in developing curricular materials for their own classroom.
The seven-week summer experience involves working on a research project in a UH laboratory, with direct mentorship from faculty, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows in evolutionary, molecular, developmental, and behavioral genetics.
Participants will also receive training in inquiry-based teaching and culturally responsive pedagogy from experts in the teachHOUSTON program, who will assist the teachers in developing curricular materials.
To Apply
- Fill out the application materials, including a resume and 300 word statement of interest.
- Supply the email address of your school principal to provide a letter of support.
- Complete pre-tests of genetics content knowledge and pedagogy (you will receive an email after submitting your application).
Application Deadline: March 15, 2025

High School Biology Teachers
June 9 – July 18, 2025
University of Houston
Program Description
This program, funded by the National Science Foundation, provides research experiences for Houston-area high school biology teachers.
Selected participants will:
- Contribute to research projects in a Genetics laboratory at the University of Houston.
- Receive training in culturally responsive and inquiry-based pedagogy from UH teachHOUSTON faculty.
- Develop inquiry-based curricular materials for use in their classrooms.
$8,000 stipend + 30 CPE hours.
Participation Requirements/Expectations
- Make a full-time (40 hour/week) commitment to the program during the seven-week summer session.
Contact Rich Meisel, Associate Professor of Biology (