
Are you an alumni of UH Computer Science? Here are a few ways to engage with the department and other alumni.
Connect Online
UHCS Alumni Group - for networking and announcements among alumni
UHCS Alumni Association - facebook group for alumni
UHCS Public Page - for the public, students, alumni, employers for department announcements, recognitions, news, events, etc.
Join the UHCS Alumni Association
UHCSAA is an organization that provides computer science alumni an avenue to network, socialize and stay connected with the department. Visit the UHCSAA website and join the UHCSAA Facebook group to learn more.
Attend Alumni Events
There are 1-3 alumni events hosted each year by the the UHCSAA and the UH Department of Computer Science. Previous events have included an Alumni Mixer and the 50th Anniversary Celebration.
Recruit at the UHCS Career Fair
Is your company looking to fill internship or full-time positions? Speak with your HR department or recruiting lead about recruiting at the UH Computer Science Career Fair held each fall and spring semester.
Other employment-related opportunities are available such as sponsoring a class project (e.g. Software Development Practices), holding an information session, or providing advice during alumni panel.
Give Back
Consider donating to the Computer Science Excellence Fund to help fund various department activities and initiatives such as classroom and research resources, outreach, student programs and organizations, and alumni activities. Or you can provide direct student support by donating to the Computer Science Scholarship Fund. Visit our Giving page for additional details.
Email: alumni [at]
If there are other ways you'd like to engage and give back to your department, let us know!
Keep us in the loop with any updates you may have - we'd love to share the news with faculty, students and other alumni.