Forward to Fifty Series

Forward to Fifty is a series of receptions and discussions that showcases the outstanding work of our faculty and alumni. As the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics approaches its 50th anniversary, the Forward to Fifty Series helps our friends and alumni discover the research that is driving UH to its powerhouse status.
Previous Events: Forward to Fifty Series
Cosmetic Dentistry and Beyond
Featuring: Elizabeth Hunsaker, D.D.S., and Kathy O’Keefe, D.D.S., M.S. (’81)
June 2023
Previous Events: Discover Innovation
From 2014–2018, the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics held the “Discover Innovation” series of receptions showcasing the work of our faculty.
UH Coastal Center: Coastal Prairie Conservation and Education
Underwritten by QIAGEN
Featuring: Steven Pennings, Ph.D., Moores Professor, Department of Biology and Biochemistry; Kerri Crawford, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Biology and Biochemistry
November 2018
Event Photos
How Clean is Houston Air?
Featuring: Robert Talbot, Professor, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Houston; Gary Morris, Dean, School of Natural Sciences, St. Edwards’s University
September 2017
Shun Stains Away: The Solution for Stain-Free Carpet, Clothes and Furniture
Featuring: Seamus Curran, Ph.D., Professor of Physics and Chairman and CEO of Integricote
October 2015
Event Photos
How to Mend a Broken Heart with Mathematics
Featuring: Suncica “Sunny” Canic, Cullen Distinguished Professor, Department of Mathematics
November 2014
Event Photos
The Air You Breathe and Your Health
Featuring: Barry Lefer, Ph.D., Associate Chair and Associate Professor, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences; Jeannette Greer-Brumbaugh, M.D. (B.S. ’84), Board Certified in Dermatology; Matthew McMenemy, M.D. (B.S. ’77), Board Certified in Ophthalmology
May 2014
Event Photos