Considering a Physics Major?

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Physics is the most basic and fundamental science. Physicists attempt to understand the natural laws around us, inside us, and in the universe beyond us. Physicists use experimental, analytical, and numerical skills to solve problems. Physicists make significant contributions in many fields. In the last century, physicists have received several Nobel prizes in chemistry, biology and economics.
Those who have a natural curiosity for investigating how things work and are good at math would enjoy physics as a major. Students considering majoring in physics should have strong science and math backgrounds.
Related Links
- Physics at UH (Video)
- Becoming a Physicist (APS)
- CareerGirls
- Studying Physics; Physics Insight Slide Show
Questions Students Frequently Ask When Considering a Physics Major
Question 1: Can I get a decent job if I major in Physics?
About 50% of Physics students who earn a bachelor’s degree go to graduate school, and about 50% go directly into the workforce. Physics bachelor’s degree recipients in STEM jobs earned a median starting salary of $65,000, based on 2019 & 2020 graduate data.

Physics Bachelor’s Initial Employment
Question 2: What kinds of careers are available to me if I major in Physics?
Physicists are critical thinkers and problem solvers. These skills are needed by employers in Research, Engineering, Technology, Education, and many other fields.

Who’s Hiring Physics Bachelor’s Degree Recipients?
If you choose to go on to graduate school and get a Ph.D. in Physics you will most likely do research at a private, government, or university laboratory. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median pay for Ph.D. Physicists in 2023 was $149,530.
Question 3: Will a Physics major help me if I want to become a Doctor? What if I want to become a Lawyer?
YES! Physics majors do better on the MCAT and LSAT than almost any other major! This article discusses how well Physics majors do on the MCAT and LSAT.

Question 4: What are the numbers and demographics of UH Physics Faculty and Physics Majors? How many are female? How many are minorities?
There are typically around 100 undergraduate Physics majors at UH. Approximately 25-30% of the physics majors at UH are female, and approximately 35-40% are minorities. The UH Physics department encourages both women and minorities, as well as members of other historically underrepresented groups, to consider majoring in physics.
There are 34 Physics Faculty at UH; 7 of the Faculty are women, and 3 are minority.
Question 5: Are there any special degree programs or concentrations that the UH Physics Department offers?
Undergraduate Degree Requirements
Question 6: Can I talk to someone about being a Physics Major?
The department welcomes inquiries from interested students. For more information about the department’s undergraduate programs, please contact Dr. Lisa Koerner, the undergraduate faculty advisor, at