Student Success Stories

Natalia Chacon
I had the great fortunate of being accepted into the Eye to the Future Program (ETTF). The ETTF program which focuses on guiding Hispanic health majors by bettering their knowledge on how to implement and manage health initiatives in the community.

Zaid Vaid
To gain hands-on experience I chose to spend [Summer 2019] in Hebron, Kentucky with Amazon as an Area Manager Intern for 10 weeks.

Sydney Lazard
My internship provides hands-on training in the law practice here in Ireland by attending frequent court hearings, client consultations, filing briefs and supporting lawyers in preparing for court hearings.

Carlee Grimes
My internship provides work experience in a resort, which ultimately allows me to decide what area of this field I want to emphasize in!

Margaret Eisenbrandt
I had the honor of being selected for a position in Mickey Leland Environmental Internship Program.

Natalie Harrington
After graduating, I plan to continue to explore my commitment to the non-profit field to positively impact the lives of children and families in Houston.

Kevin Nguyen
The areas of computer science I’m interested in are full-stack development and financial models.

Katherine Sequera
My career plans involve working with a company that has high environmental standards and effective initiatives to eradicate our current impact to the planet.

Savannah Heistad
Throughout the summer there were many opportunities for the 312 interns to learn about USAA, Corporate America, leadership and much more.

Alyssa Garza
Through my fellowship I had the amazing opportunity to visit a range of media and production companies here in NYC such as Spotify, HBO and NBC!

Gloria Degracia
Working with the Finance department, and Chevron Pipeline and Power last summer, has been challenging yet full of great learning opportunities.

Devin McQuaig
Once I complete my PhD, I will apply with NASA to do my post-doctoral work on igneous rocks, meteorites, or other planetary bodies.

Samuel Garcia
My passion in life is the performing arts and one day I hope to be the successful executive director of a world-class symphony!

Emilio Braganza
From visiting work sites to conducting systems tests with contractors, I have learned so much in such a short time and have met some truly amazing people.

June 2, 2020
I was born and raised in Saudi Arabia, a country with very limited choices for someone like me, where a bird cannot fly in any direction it chooses. That is because I hold the citizenship of my father which is the Yemeni. Graduated from a public high school, like the majority of people. Along with thousands of students, I had the opportunity to apply for the first class of Software Engineering bachelor's degree at King Saud University, one of the best universities in Saudi Arabia, and only 60 of us got accepted. However, I was not able to finish the degree because my family and I decided to move to the United States and start a new life. February 2, 2017 was the day I landed in the state of Texas and marked the beginning of my journey. I came with passion and excitement knowing that I am in the country of dreams and possibilities.

June 15, 2020
A few companies reached out to me and requested to do a first-round virtual interview through an application called HireVue. Some other companies invited me to information sessions and interviewed me in person. I finished all of my interviews, followed up with the recruiters, and waited for them to reply with offer letters. Unfortunately, none of the companies I interviewed with decided to proceed with my application. I got a little discouraged. It didn't necessarily mean I wasn’t good for them, but maybe I wasn’t the candidate they were looking for. I knew I had to land an internship offer for the Summer of 2019, so I started exploring other opportunities online.

August 6, 2020
This year, many students embarked on virtual internship experiences due to the pandemic of Covid-19. As one of those students, this has added a new type of work environment to my experience. This summer I am working as an Application Developer Intern for ExxonMobil within the Upstream UX Division. My internship is running June 1 - August 21 and will be 100% virtual.

Christine Tierra
Student Worker/Events Intern, College of Technology-Dean's Office
Student Employee of the Year Nominee

Jason Moreno
Financial Aid Assistant, Scholarships and Financial Aid
Student Employee of the Year Nominee

Hannah Grunwald
Graduate Assistant/ Program Coordinator, MA in Arts Leadership Program
Student Employee of the Year Nominee

Jacqueline Rosas
Student Worker, Rockwell Career Center's Employer Relations Team
Student Employee of the Year Nominee

Natalia Diaz
Intern/Program Coordinator, HEALTH Research Institute
Student Employee of the Year Nominee

Fatima Moran
Student Office Assistant, Dean's office, College of Technology
Student Employee of the Year Nominee

Madison Alvis
Production Assistant, Jack J. Valenti School of Communication
Student Employee of the Year Nominee

Genesis Espinoza
Development Assistant, Office of the VC/VP University Advancement
Student Employee of the Year Nominee

Mayte Rodriguez
I chose the path to teaching as my family and I always saw it as a prestigious career. Teaching was not my first choice as I entered college with a love for mathematics but did not know how to utilize the skill in the real world. Once I began participating in community service events from UH via the College of Education and the Mathematics department, I decided majoring in Teaching and Learning would be a good fit.

Bryce Wyatt
I did not always want to be a teacher. The path found me. My field is A/V production and I've had the fortune to be doing it long before graduating from college. Suddenly, Lost the desire to work for a major studio and only wanted to do freelance work. Needing quite a bit more income, I worked in a warehouse and discovered I have good people skills. Seven months in, it occurred to me that I didn't want to work at the warehouse any longer. I then discovered the idea of teaching. Interestingly enough, I was able to find a school that offered a job teaching exactly what I received my degree in.