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Successful students start strong, they find ways to stay strong, and they finish strong.

We know that our best students seek tutoring early while they are still doing well in courses rather than waiting until their grades are suffering.

UH is committed to empowering you toward a strong and successful semester through these free peer-tutoring class-support options. 

University of Houston Undergraduate Tutoring Directory 

See all college- and program-specific out-of-class academic support options.


LAUNCH is the UH Learning Center, offering one-on-one academic coaching, success workshops, and in-person peer tutoring. Tutoring is offered as a drop-in, first come first served basis – there is no appointment necessary.

Tutoring hours are different for each semester and are subject to change.

LAUNCH also has P.A.S.S. Sessions (Peer Assisted Study Sessions) in which a tutor has prepared extra practice, reviews, or activities to help you succeed in the class. 

Knack Tutoring

University of Houston is partnering with Knack - the ultimate peer tutoring platform – to allow students in select classes to book remote tutoring sessions with verified UH peer tutors who have previously performed well in those exact courses.

The eligible Spring 2025 courses are listed below. Course instructors will confirm eligibility in class.

CHEE 2332

Thermodynamics 1

CHEM 1305

Foundations of Chemistry

CHEM 1311

Fundamentals of Chemistry

CHEM 1312

Fundamentals of Chemistry 2

CHEM 2323

Organic Chemistry I

CIVE 3337

Structural Analysis

COSC 2436

Programming and Data Structures

ECE 2201

Introduction to Circuits

ELET 1400

Electrical Engineering Technology

ELET 2300

Intro to C++ Programming

MATH 1314

College Algebra

MATH 1324

Finite Math with Applications

MATH 1332

Contemporary Mathematics

MATH 1342

Elementary Statistical Methods

MATH 1351

Introduction to Geometric Reasoning

MATH 2312


MATH 2413

Calculus I

MATH 2414

Calculus II

MATH 3321

Engineering Mathematics

MECE 3400

Intro to Mechanics

MECT 3318

Fluid Mechanics Applications

MECT 3358

Dynamics of Mechanisms

Knack tutoring will get started in the early weeks of the semester once tutors are hired, so pay attention to your email for an official opening message from Knack. The more great students who sign up to be a tutor, the more courses will have tutors available!


The Goal of the Mathematics Department’s Tutoring Center is to help students learn math. One-on-one tutoring is available for students who are enrolled in a University of Houston undergraduate math class. Tutoring done in a clear, patient, and understandable manner, with time to ask specific questions and even practice quiz-taking.

UH Writing Center

The Writing Center offers individual, face-to-face consultations in which trained writing consultants assist students with various types of writing. Students can also meet online with our trained consultants to discuss their writing in our interactive online writing space from the comfort of their home.