Essential Skills Workshops

More than 2 out of 3 students who come to CAPS report that anxiety is their main concern.

Luckily, very effective techniques and methods exist that can help you feel less depressed and more in control of your anxiety. You can implement these on your own, with just a little bit of knowledge and practice.

CAPS is proud to offer Resilience and Anxiety workshops that will teach you the skills you need to know to feel more in control and better equipped to deal with the challenges in your life.

  • Anxiety Toolbox:
    • Mindful Coping: This session will focus on developing coping skills that you can implement right away to help you cope with anxiety and worry.
    • Taming Your Thoughts: This session will help you better understand how your thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and body sensations interact with one another when experiencing anxiety.
    • From Avoidance to Acceptance: This session will focus on practicing acceptance-based skills for managing your worry and learning ways to continue to engage with a life you are excited about.
  • Emotional Resilience: 
    • Conquering Distress: Accept, Cope & Endure:
      This session introduces the terms distress and tolerance and focuses on building skills for being able to tolerate and accept distress.
    • Getting Off the Emotional Rollercoaster:
      This session will focus on identifying and labeling your emotions, creating awareness about choices/options you have in response to overwhelming emotions and teach you specific skills to assist with emotion regulation.
    • Communicate with Confidence:
      This session will help you communicate more effectively through understanding your communication and boundary styles as well as values around relationships.

What is the structure of the essential skills workshops?

Workshops are much like attending a class. Students meet 1 hour each week. Each week a CAPS clinician will provide attendees with new information and guide students to practice new techniques they can implement in their lives.

Each week will cover a new topic on a rotation. The workshops are designed to be started at any point and you do not have to wait.

  • Mindful Coping
  • Taming Your Thoughts
  • From Avoidance to Acceptance
  • Conquering Distress: Accept, Cope & Endure
  • Communicate with Confidence
  • Getting Off the Emotional Rollercoaster


Can I just show up to an Essential Skills Workshop?

No, essential skills workshops are only for CAPS clients and you will need to be referred to a workshop by a CAPS counselor. If you would like to learn skills to better manage anxiety or depression, you can attend a triage appointment and let your counselor know. They will then help you determine if an essential skills workshop is a good fit for you.

Is a workshop a good fit?

A workshop may be a good fit for you if:

  • You are having a hard time dealing with your worry or anxiety
  • You are the type of person who doesn’t just want to talk about your issues but want to know what you can do about your situation and how to take action.
  • You are motivated to learn new skills and ready to implement changes on your own.

Here is what students say:

“It has assisted on putting my life back on track” 

“It helped me to be more aware of the situation around me and provided me with several coping/ improvement methods” 

“It was very insightful” 

“Topics and methods are very helpful” 

Ready to take the next step?

Attend a free Access Visit to get your needs assessed and see if a workshop is right for you