Focused Care Hour

CAPS offers a Focused Care Hour for students who want to get on with their lives, and need a little bit of help to get unstuck or want support kick-starting change in their life.

When some people think of therapy they think of laying on a couch and talking about their deepest darkest secrets several times each week for years on end. While that kind of therapy still exists, many people today prefer therapy to be short and focused. They see therapy as a springboard for implementing changes or coming up with solutions so they can move forward and be ready to face their challenges right now.

Research shows that simply attending 1 session can sometimes be enough to kick-start the process of making changes to your life, and we know that roughly 1 out of 4 CAPS clients only elect to attend one session. If you are someone who has a specific problem or situation that is causing you stress, but can’t quite figure out how to navigate it or move forward, our Focused Care Hour (FCH) option may be best for you.

FCH may be a good fit for you if:

  • You have a good understanding of what your issue is, but you just can’t quite figure out what to do about it
  • You are facing a difficult problem, dilemma, or conflict and don’t quite know how to resolve it
  • You are generally action-oriented and are looking for solutions you can implement now

Here is what students say:

“I was provided with new ways to help deal with my problem” 

“I think it was a great session and I learned about resources around campus which is very important” 

“He was helpful in guiding me through what I felt and why I felt it” 

“The questions that were being asked helped me identify what was wrong” 

How to Schedule an Appointment:

The first step in getting connected to services is to call us for a free brief assessment with a counselor who will discuss your needs and connect you to the service that is most likely to help you.

Read more about your first visit