The first of the summits will take place on November 3, 7:00 p.m. CST at Rice University.
Click here to view a printable version of the flyer.
The four summits convened will address both historical and new manifestations of hate speech. The summits include the following four conference-style gatherings.
- The Return of Antisemitism, addressing the spike in hate crimes targeting Jewish populations
- Anti-Islam and Racialized Islam, addressing the continued rise of hate crimes targeting Muslim populations
- The Internet, Hate Speech and Post-Truth, addressing the primary vehicle for hate speech today
- Free Speech Vs. Hate Speech, a roundtable discussion and debate
The summit presentations and discussions offer a solutions-based approach to the problem of hate speech. In other words, experts will offer critical feedback on existing measures to address hate speech (what has worked and what has not). They will based on their research, scholarship, and activism, propose original, innovative, and cutting-edge solutions for today’s new normal. Solutions may include specific government policies, new areas of academic research, or grassroots initiatives.
Each summit allows for ample engagement between presenters and the informed public, debating among many things the particular solutions proposed.
Please Email Anusheh Siddique at for questions.