Faculty Affiliates
If you are interested in becoming a faculty affiliate of the Rockwell Center on Ethics and Leadership, please contact Daniel Engster at daengste@central.uh.edu. Faculty Affiliates may include tenure-track, clinical, instructional, lecturing, and research faculty. Faculty Affiliates will be usually be expected to have some teaching, research, or service interest in ethics or leadership and to participate regularly in Rockwell Center events.

Michelle Belco, Ph.D.
Honors Faculty

Barbara Carlin, Ph.D.
Bauer College of Business

Sana Chiu Ph.D.
C.T. Bauer College of Business

Jeff Church, Ph.D.
Political Science

Bradley W. Davis, Ph.D.
Educational Leadership and Policy Studies

Tiffany J. Davis, Ph.D.
Educational Leadership and Policy Studies

Heather Dulas, Ph.D.
Educational Leadership and Policy Studies

Alin Fumurescu, Ph.D.
Political Science

Nikolas Guggenberger, J.D. Ph.D
Law Center

Kristen S. Hassett, Ph.D
Educational Leadership and Policy Studies

Catherine L. Horn, Ph.D
Educational Leadership and Policy Studies

Detra D. Johnson, Ph.D.
Educational Leadership and Policy Studies

Alison Leland, Ph.D.
Honors College

Luis Oliveira, Ph.D.

Vanessa M. Patrick-Ralhan, Ph.D.
Bauer College of Business

David Phillips, Ph.D

Rachel Afi Quinn, Ph.D.
Comparative Cultural Studies and
Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies

Kristi L. Santi, Ph.D.
Educational Leadership and Policy Studies

Leandra Zarnow, Ph.D.

Ling Zhu, Ph.D.
Political Science