38th Student Research Conference, Alumni & Industry Open House
Abstract Submission:
- Abstracts should be no more than 2000 characters (including spaces) and include a brief overview of your research objectives, methods, results, and conclusions.
- Please indicate whether you prefer a poster presentation or an oral presentation.
Submit your abstracts here
- Abstract Submission and Registration Deadline: April 2nd, 2025 by 5:00pm.
- Slides deadline: Midnight May 6th, 2025, please email Power point slides (.ppt) to easgradstudentcommittee@gmail.com
- Poster deadline: Print Poster by May 5th, 2025, further instructions to follow
Student Presentation and Poster Submission:
Please email presentation slides to easgradcommittee@gmail.com no later than May 6th Midnight.
Please email your PDF poster to krishnan@Central.UH.EDU & jaognosk@central.uh.edu no later than May 5th 5:00pm. Plotting guidelines available here.
Admission is FREE for all attendees
Prize categories: Awards with cash prizes
Starting with the 38th Annual Student Research Conference on May 8th 2025, followed by the EAS Alumni Happy Hour
All are invited to join the faculty and students afterwards at our Happy Hour.
Events include morning oral presentations, afternoon poster presentations, lab open house, awards ceremony, and optional in-person happy hour at McGonigel’s Mucky Duck
Admission is free
Schedule of Events
8:30-9:30 Breakfast and Check in (SR1 2nd Floor Lobby)
9:30 - 10:30 Talk Session (SR1 223/634)
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break (SR1 2nd Floor Lobby)
11:00-12:00 Second Talk Session (SR1 223/634)
12:00-1:00 Lunch (SR1 2nd Floor Lobby)
1:00-3:00 Poster Presentations (SR1 Floors 2,3,4)
2:00-3:00 Head Shots (204D)
3:00-3:25 Faculty Talk (SR1 117)
3:25- 4:45 Awards Ceremony (SR1 117)
4:45 Group Photo (outside SR1)
5:00-7:30 Happy Hour at Mucky Duck
Student Led Since 1988
View Previous Research Conference Programs and Abstracts
Volunteer to Judge Presentations
If you are a faculty or industry member and would like to volunteer to judge the presentations, please sign up here.
Thank you for your help
Support the Event
Would you like to help support this event, or other department or NSM programs? Please contact Dr. Brandee Carlson ( bncarlso@central.uh.edu). We appreciate your support of our students.
More Information: Contact EAS Grad Student Committee at easgradstudentcommittee@gmail.com