Seminar Schedule Spring 2025
The Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Houston offers its seminars on most Friday mornings during the fall and spring semesters. For more information regarding seminars please visit the seminars resource page.
Time: Seminars are held on most Fridays 11-12 PM.
Spring 2025 Seminar Schedule
In Spring 2025 we will support both in-person and virtual seminars. Check the format of individual seminars on the schedule below. In-person seminars will be held in Room 634, SR1 unless otherwise noted.
To participate in virtual seminars, use Zoom Meeting ID: 829 1660 9186 and Passcode 764132. The same code will work for all virtual seminars.
Pre-seminar coffee will be canceled. After-seminar lunch replaces pre-seminar coffee to facilitate interactions between EAS and speaker. After-seminar lunch will be held in Rm 223 unless otherwise noted and is open for everyone who wishes to attend.
Date | Speaker | Affiliation | Title |
1/17/25 | Dr. Rajdeep Dasgupta | Rice University | Extraction of Life-essential Volatile Elements via Mantle Melting on Earth and Planets | In person | Michael Antonelli |
1/24/25 | Dr. BumSoo Kim | NASA Johnson Space Center | From seafloor sediment to astromaterial: Unlocking molecular time-capsules on Earth and beyond | In person | Ali Raza |
2/28/25 | Dr. Jeremy Boyce | NASA | Ice, Ice, Maybe? The Perilous Journey Home for Icy Regolith Encountered by Artemis at the Lunar South Pole | CANCELLED | Alex Robinson |
3/7/25 | Whitney Schultz | Oxy | Early Career Experience and Projects at Oxy | In person | Christi Sterna |
3/21/25 | Dr Alex Bump | BEG, University of Texas | Carbon storage modeling | In person | Mukul Bhatia |
3/28/25 | Dr. Deepak Chamlagain | Tribhuvan University, Nepal | Study of ambient noise for seismic-microzonation of the Eastern Part of Hetauda Dun Valley, Central Nepal. | In person | Anuska Pudasaini |
4/4/25 | Dr. Annette Patton | Oregon State University | Landslide risk reduction in rural Southeast Alaska | In person | Will Struble |
4/11/25 | Dr Dié Wang | Brookhaven National Lab | Aerosol impacts on deep convection: a hard-to-detect puzzle | In person | Youtong Zheng |
4/18/25 | Dr. Natasha Sekhon | Occidental College | Investigating tropical hydroclimate response to Heinrich Events | In person | Ny Riavo Voarintsoa |
4/25/25 | Dr. Alexander Iriondo | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) | Exploring some aspects of the formation of Mexico: A long geological journey since the Paleoproterozoic | In person | Karissa Vermillion |