Physics Demos - Mechanics
- Vernier computer-based laboratory system
- Motion detector
- ILD experiment configuration files
Worksheet available upon request.
- Vernier computer-based laboratory system running Logger Pro Software
- ILD experiment configuration files
- Motion detector
- Two low-friction carts, one with fan mount
- Fan unit
- 2.2 meter aluminum track
Worksheet available upon request.
- Vernier computer-based laboratory system running Logger Pro Software
- ILD experiment configuration files
- Motion detector
- Two or three low-friction kinematics carts are better, one with the fan unit pre-mounted and one with an adjustable friction pad pre-mounted
- Sufficient mass to make the mass of the cart approximately 1 kg
- Track or ramp
- Two fan units
- One or two force probes
- Low friction, low mass pulley and flexible light weight string
- Variety of small hanging masses (10-50 grams)
Worksheet available upon request.
- Vernier computer-based laboratory system running Logger Pro Software
- ILD experiment configuration files
- Motion detector
- Two or three low-friction kinematics carts
- Track or ramp
- Force probes
- Block with felt bottom (with mass of at least 1 kg) to which a force probe is attached
- Two 0.5 kg masses
Worksheet available upon request.
Related Files:
- Digital video camera
- Video collection software
- Tennis ball
- Dark background
- Video analysis software
- In place of the above, you can use the ILD experiment configuration file PROJD 1
Worksheet available upon request.
- Vernier computer-based laboratory system running Logger Pro Software
- ILD experiment configuration files
- Motion detector
- Two low-friction kinematics carts are better (if you only have one, it should have an adjustable friction pad mounted on it)
- Mass bar or other mass to make cart mass 1 kg
- 2.2 mater aluminum track, long door threshold or a very smooth, level table or ramp
- Low friction Rotating stool & base
- 2 ~5 lb masses
- Low friction bicycle wheel
Related Files:
- Low friction kinetic carts:
- 2 carts with Velcro for inelastic collisions
- 2 carts with spring for elastic collisions
- Track
- Mass for cart
- Optional: motion sensor and Vernier computer-based laboratory system running Logger Pro Software
Worksheet available upon request.
No equipment needed.
No equipment needed.